The EnvStats functions listed below are useful for estimating distribution parameters and optionally constructing confidence intervals.


Function NameDescription
ebetaEstimate parameters of a Beta distribution
ebinomEstimate parameter of a Binomial distribution
eexpEstimate parameter of an Exponential distribution
eevdEstimate parameters of an Extreme Value distribution
egammaEstimate shape and scale parameters of a Gamma distribution
egammaAltEstimate mean and CV parameters of a Gamma distribution
egevdEstimate parameters of a Generalized Extreme Value distribution
egeomEstimate parameter of a Geometric distribution
ehyperEstimate parameter of a Hypergeometric distribution
elogisEstimate parameters of a Logistic distribution
elnormEstimate parameters of a Lognormal distribution (log-scale)
elnormAltEstimate parameters of a Lognormal distribution (original scale)
elnorm3Estimate parameters of a Three-Parameter Lognormal distribution
enbinomEstimate parameter of a Negative Binomial distribution
enormEstimate parameters of a Normal distribution
eparetoEstimate parameters of a Pareto distribution
epoisEstimate parameter of a Poisson distribution
eunifEstimate parameters of a Uniform distribution
eweibullEstimate parameters of a Weibull distribution
ezmlnormEstimate parameters of a Zero-Modified Lognormal (Delta)
distribution (log-Scale)
ezmlnormAltEstimate parameters of a Zero-Modified Lognormal (Delta)
distribution (original Scale)
ezmnormEstimate parameters of a Zero-Modified Normal distribution