All functions |
Trichloroethylene Concentrations Before and After Remedation |
Randomly sampled measurements of an analyte in soil samples. |
Lead concentration in soil samples. |
Benthic Data from Monitoring Program in Chesapeake Bay |
Abstract: Castillo and Hadi (1994) |
The Chi Distribution |
Data Frame Summarizing Available Probability Distributions and Estimation Methods |
Concentrations in Exhibit 2 of 2002d USEPA Guidance Document |
Concentrations in Exhibit 4 of 2002d USEPA Guidance Document |
Concentrations in Exhibit 6 of 2002d USEPA Guidance Document |
Concentrations in Exhibit 9 of 2002d USEPA Guidance Document |
Nickel Concentrations from Example 10-1 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Arsenic Concentrations from Example 11-1 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Carbon Tetrachloride Concentrations from Example 12-1 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Naphthalene Concentrations from Example 12-4 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Iron Concentrations from Example 13-1 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Manganese Concentrations from Example 14-1 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Alkalinity Measures from Example 14-3 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Arsenic Concentrations from Example 14-4 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Analyte Concentrations from Example 14-8 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Manganese Concentrations from Example 15-1 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Sulfate Concentrations from Example 16-1 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Benzene Concentrations from Example 16-2 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Copper Concentrations from Example 16-4 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Tetrachloroethylene Concentrations from Example 16-5 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Log-transformed Lead Concentrations from Example 17-1 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Toluene Concentrations from Example 17-2 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Chrysene Concentrations from Example 17-3 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Log-transformed Chrysene Concentrations from Example 17-3 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Copper Concentrations from Example 17-4 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Chloride Concentrations from Example 17-5 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Sulfate Concentrations from Example 17-6 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Sodium Concentrations from Example 17-7 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Arsenic Concentrations from Example 18-1 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Chrysene Concentrations from Example 18-2 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Trichloroethylene Concentrations from Example 18-3 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Xylene Concentrations from Example 18-4 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Sulfate Concentrations from Example 19-1 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Chloride Concentrations from Example 19-2 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Mercury Concentrations from Example 19-5 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Nickel Concentrations from Example 20-1 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Aldicarb Concentrations from Example 21-1 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Benzene Concentrations from Example 21-2 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Beryllium Concentrations from Example 21-5 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Nitrate Concentrations from Example 21-6 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Trichloroethylene Concentrations from Example 21-7 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Vinyl Chloride Concentrations from Example 22-1 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Specific Conductance from Example 22-2 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Sulfate Concentrations from Example 6-3 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Arsenic concentrations from Example 7.1 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Trichloroethene concentrations in Table 9.1 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Arsenic, Mercury and Strontium Concentrations in Table 9-3 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Nickel Concentrations in Table 9-4 of 2009 USEPA Guidance Document |
Aldicarb Concentrations from 1989 USEPA Guidance Document |
Aldicarb Concentrations from 1989 USEPA Guidance Document |
Benzene Concentrations from 1989 USEPA Guidance Document |
Cadmium Concentrations from 1989 USEPA Guidance Document |
Chlordane Concentrations from 1989 USEPA Guidance Document |
Chlordane Concentrations from 1989 USEPA Guidance Document |
EDB Concentrations from 1989 USEPA Guidance Document |
Lead Concentrations from 1989 USEPA Guidance Document |
Log-transformed Lead Concentrations from 1989 USEPA Guidance Document |
Manganese Concentrations from 1989 USEPA Guidance Document |
Sulfate Concentrations from 1989 USEPA Guidance Document |
T-29 Concentrations from 1989 USEPA Guidance Document |
Total Organic Carbon Concentrations from 1989 USEPA Guidance Document |
Arsenic Concentrations from 1992 USEPA Guidance Document |
Arsenic Concentrations from 1992 USEPA Guidance Document |
Arsenic Concentrations from 1992 USEPA Guidance Document |
Benzene Concentrations from 1992 USEPA Guidance Document |
Benzene Concentrations from 1992 USEPA Guidance Document |
Carbon Tetrachloride Concentrations from 1992 USEPA Guidance Document |
Chrysene Concentrations from 1992 USEPA Guidance Document |
Copper Concentrations from 1992 USEPA Guidance Document |
Copper Concentrations from 1992 USEPA Guidance Document |
Log-transformed Nickel Concentrations from 1992 USEPA Guidance Document |
Nickel Concentrations from 1992 USEPA Guidance Document |
Nickel Concentrations from 1992 USEPA Guidance Document |
Toluene Concentrations from 1992 USEPA Guidance Document |
Zinc Concentrations from 1992 USEPA Guidance Document |
Chromium Concentrations from 1992 USEPA Guidance Document |
Chromium Concentrations from 1992 USEPA Guidance Document |
Lead Concentrations from 1994 USEPA Guidance Document |
1,2,3,4-Tetrachlorobenzene Concentrations from 1994 USEPA Guidance Document |
Calibration Data for Cadmium at Mass 111 |
The Extreme Value (Gumbel) Distribution |
The Empirical Distribution Based on a Set of Observations |
Internal EnvStats Objects |
Atmospheric Environmental Conditions in New York City |
Euler's Constant |
EnvStats Functions Listed by Category |
EnvStats Functions for Calibration |
EnvStats Functions for Censored Data |
EnvStats Functions for Data Transformations |
EnvStats Functions for Estimating Distribution Parameters |
EnvStats Functions for Estimating Distribution Quantiles |
EnvStats Functions for Goodness-of-Fit Tests |
EnvStats Functions for Hypothesis Tests |
EnvStats Functions for Monte Carlo Simulation and Risk Assessment |
EnvStats Functions for Plotting Probability Distributions |
EnvStats Functions for Creating Plots Using the ggplot2 Package |
EnvStats Functions for Power and Sample Size Calculations |
EnvStats Functions for Prediction Intervals |
EnvStats Functions for Printing and Plotting Objects of Various S3 Classes |
EnvStats Probability Distributions and Random Numbers |
EnvStats Functions for Summary Statistics and Plots |
EnvStats Functions for Tolerance Intervals |
EnvStats Functions for Trend Analysis |
The Generalized Extreme Value Distribution |
The Gamma Distribution (Alternative Parameterization) |
Alkilinity Data from Gibbons et al. (2009) |
Vinyl Chloride Data from Gibbons et al. (2009) |
Ethylene Thiourea Dose-Response Data |
Adjusted Alpha Levels to Compute Confidence Intervals for the Mean of a Gamma Distribution |
Example of Multiply Left-censored Data from Literature |
Silver Concentrations From An Interlab Comparison |
Paired Counts of Mayfly Nymphs Above and Below Industrial Outfalls |
Abstract: Hosking et al. (1985) |
Fecal Coliform Data from the Illinois River |
The Three-Parameter Lognormal Distribution |
The Lognormal Distribution (Alternative Parameterization) |
Mixture of Two Lognormal Distributions |
Mixture of Two Lognormal Distributions (Alternative Parameterization) |
The Truncated Lognormal Distribution |
The Truncated Lognormal Distribution (Alternative Parameterization) |
Copper and Zinc Concentrations in Shallow Ground Water |
Modified 1,2,3,4-Tetrachlorobenzene Data with Censored Values |
NIOSH Air Lead Levels Data |
Mixture of Two Normal Distributions |
The Truncated Normal Distribution |
Ammonium Concentration in Precipitation Measured at Olympic National Park Hoh Ranger Station |
Ozone Concentrations in the Northeast U.S. |
The Pareto Distribution |
Real dataset from ProUCL 5.2.0. |
ProUCL Critical Values for Anderson-Darling Goodness-of-Fit Test for Gamma Distribution |
ProUCL Critical Values for Kolmogorov-Smirnov Goodness-of-Fit Test for Gamma Distribution |
Carbon Monoxide Emissions from Oil Refinery. |
Ammonia Nitrogen Concentrations in the Skagit River, Marblemount, Washington |
Total Phosphorus Data from Chesapeake Bay |
The Triangular Distribution |
The Zero-Modified Lognormal (Delta) Distribution |
The Zero-Modified Lognormal (Delta) Distribution (Alternative Parameterization) |
The Zero-Modified Normal Distribution |
Compute Lack-of-Fit and Pure Error Anova Table for a Linear Model |
Compute Sample Size Necessary to Achieve Specified Power for One-Way Fixed-Effects Analysis of Variance |
Compute the Power of a One-Way Fixed-Effects Analysis of Variance |
Base \(b\) Representation of a Number |
Boxcox Power Transformation |
S3 Class "boxcox" |
Boxcox Power Transformation for Type I Censored Data |
S3 Class "boxcoxCensored" |
S3 Class "boxcoxLm" |
Apply a Box-Cox Power Transformation to a Set of Data |
Fit a Calibration Line or Curve |
S3 Class "calibrate" |
Plot Two Cumulative Distribution Functions |
Plot Two Cumulative Distribution Functions Based on Censored Data |
Plot Cumulative Distribution Function |
Chen's Modified One-Sided t-test for Skewed Distributions |
Half-Width of Confidence Interval for Binomial Proportion or Difference Between Two Proportions |
Sample Size for Specified Half-Width of Confidence Interval for Binomial Proportion or Difference Between Two Proportions |
Half-Width of Confidence Interval for Normal Distribution Mean or Difference Between Two Means |
Sample Size for Specified Half-Width of Confidence Interval for Normal Distribution Mean or Difference Between Two Means |
Compute Confidence Level Associated with a Nonparametric Confidence Interval for a Quantile |
Sample Size for Nonparametric Confidence Interval for a Quantile |
Table of Confidence Intervals for Mean or Difference Between Two Means |
Table of Confidence Intervals for Proportion or Difference Between Two Proportions |
Sample Coefficient of Variation. |
Determine Detection Limit |
Choose Best Fitting Distribution Based on Goodness-of-Fit Tests |
S3 Class "distChoose" |
Choose Best Fitting Distribution Based on Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Censored Data |
S3 Class "distChooseCensored" |
Estimate Parameters of a Beta Distribution |
Estimate Parameter of a Binomial Distribution |
Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function Plot |
Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function Plot Based on Type I Censored Data |
Estimate Parameters of an Extreme Value (Gumbel) Distribution |
Estimate Rate Parameter of an Exponential Distribution |
Estimate Parameters of Gamma Distribution |
Estimate Mean and Coefficient of Variation for a Gamma Distribution Based on Type I Censored Data |
Estimate Shape and Scale Parameters for a Gamma Distribution Based on Type I Censored Data |
Estimate Probability Parameter of a Geometric Distribution |
Estimate Parameters of a Generalized Extreme Value Distribution |
Estimate Parameter of a Hypergeometric Distribution |
Estimate Parameters of a Lognormal Distribution (Log-Scale) |
Estimate Parameters of a Three-Parameter Lognormal Distribution (Log-Scale) |
Estimate Parameters of a Lognormal Distribution (Original Scale) |
Estimate Parameters for a Lognormal Distribution (Original Scale) Based on Type I Censored Data |
Estimate Parameters for a Lognormal Distribution (Log-Scale) Based on Type I Censored Data |
Estimate Parameters of a Logistic Distribution |
Estimate Probability Parameter of a Negative Binomial Distribution |
Estimate Parameters of a Normal (Gaussian) Distribution |
Estimate Parameters for a Normal Distribution Based on Type I Censored Data |
Estimate Mean, Standard Deviation, and Standard Error Nonparametrically |
Estimate Mean, Standard Deviation, and Standard Error Nonparametrically Based on Censored Data |
Estimate Parameters of a Pareto Distribution |
Plot Empirical Probability Density Function |
Estimate Parameter of a Poisson Distribution |
Estimate Mean of a Poisson Distribution Based on Type I Censored Data |
Estimate Quantiles of a Beta Distribution |
Estimate Quantiles of a Binomial Distribution |
Estimate Quantiles of an Extreme Value (Gumbel) Distribution |
Estimate Quantiles of an Exponential Distribution |
Estimate Quantiles of a Gamma Distribution |
Estimate Quantiles of a Geometric Distribution |
Estimate Quantiles of a Generalized Extreme Value Distribution |
Estimate Quantiles of a Hypergeometric Distribution |
Estimate Quantiles of a Lognormal Distribution |
Estimate Quantiles of a Three-Parameter Lognormal Distribution |
Estimate Quantiles of a Lognormal Distribution Based on Type I Censored Data |
Estimate Quantiles of a Logistic Distribution |
Estimate Quantiles of a Negative Binomial Distribution |
Estimate Quantiles of a Normal Distribution |
Estimate Quantiles of a Normal Distribution Based on Type I Censored Data |
Estimate Quantiles of a Distribution Nonparametrically |
Estimate Quantiles of a Pareto Distribution |
Estimate Quantiles of a Poisson Distribution |
Estimate Quantiles of a Uniform Distribution |
Estimate Quantiles of a Weibull Distribution |
Estimate Quantiles of a Zero-Modified Lognormal (Delta) Distribution |
Estimate Quantiles of a Zero-Modified Normal Distribution |
Plot Pointwise Error Bars |
S3 Class "estimate" |
S3 Class "estimateCensored" |
Estimate Parameters of a Uniform Distribution |
Expected Value of Order Statistics for Random Sample from Standard Normal Distribution |
Estimate Parameters of a Weibull Distribution |
Estimate Parameters of a Zero-Modified Lognormal (Delta) Distribution |
Estimate Parameters of a Zero-Modified Normal Distribution |
Geometric Mean |
Geometric Standard Deviation. |
1-D Scatter Plots with Confidence Intervals Using ggplot2 |
S3 Class "gof" |
S3 Class "gofCensored" |
S3 Class "gofGroup" |
Goodness-of-Fit Test for a Specified Probability Distribution for Groups |
S3 Class "gofOutlier" |
Goodness-of-Fit Test |
Goodness-of-Fit Test for Normal or Lognormal Distribution Based on Censored Data |
S3 Class "gofTwoSample" |
Generalized Pivotal Quantity for Confidence Interval for the Mean of a Normal Distribution Based on Censored Data |
Generalized Pivotal Quantity for Tolerance Interval for a Normal Distribution Based on Censored Data |
S3 Class "htest" |
S3 Class "htestCensored" |
Predict Concentration Using Calibration |
Interquartile Range |
Nonparametric Test for Monotonic Trend Within Each Season Based on Kendall's Tau Statistic |
Kendall's Nonparametric Test for Montonic Trend |
Coefficient of (Excess) Kurtosis |
Estimate \(L\)-Moments |
Sample Size for a t-Test for Linear Trend |
Power of a t-Test for Linear Trend |
Scaled Minimal Detectable Slope for a t-Test for Linear Trend |
Convert a Long Format Data Set into a Wide Format |
Show the EnvStats NEWS File |
Fisher's One-Sample Randomization (Permutation) Test for Location |
Plot Probability Density Function |
S3 Class "permutationTest" |
Plot Results of Box-Cox Transformations |
Plot Results of Box-Cox Transformations Based on Type I Censored Data |
Plot Results of Box-Cox Transformations for a Linear Model |
Plot Results of Goodness-of-Fit Test |
Plot Results of Goodness-of-Fit Test Based on Censored Data |
Plot Results of Group Goodness-of-Fit Test |
Plot Results of Goodness-of-Fit Test to Compare Two Samples |
Plot Results of Permutation Test |
Create Plots for a Sampling Design Based on a One-Way Fixed-Effects Analysis of Variance |
Plots for Sampling Design Based on Confidence Interval for Binomial Proportion or Difference Between Two Proportions |
Plots for Sampling Design Based on Confidence Interval for Mean of a Normal Distribution or Difference Between Two Means |
Plots for Sampling Design Based on Nonparametric Confidence Interval for a Quantile |
Plots for a Sampling Design Based on a t-Test for Linear Trend |
Power Curves for Sampling Design for Test Based on Simultaneous Prediction Interval for Lognormal Distribution |
Power Curves for Sampling Design for Test Based on Prediction Interval for Lognormal Distribution |
Plots for a Sampling Design Based on a Prediction Interval for the Next \(k\) Observations from a Normal Distribution |
Power Curves for Sampling Design for Test Based on Simultaneous Prediction Interval for Normal Distribution |
Power Curves for Sampling Design for Test Based on Prediction Interval for Normal Distribution |
Plots for a Sampling Design Based on a Nonparametric Prediction Interval |
Plots for a Sampling Design Based on a Simultaneous Nonparametric Prediction Interval |
Power Curves for Sampling Design for Test Based on Nonparametric Simultaneous Prediction Interval |
Plots for Sampling Design Based on One- or Two-Sample Proportion Test |
Plots for a Sampling Design Based on a One- or Two-Sample t-Test |
Plots for a Sampling Design Based on a One- or Two-Sample t-Test, Assuming Lognormal Data |
Plots for a Sampling Design Based on a Tolerance Interval for a Normal Distribution |
Plots for a Sampling Design Based on a Nonparametric Tolerance Interval |
Pointwise Confidence Limits for Predictions |
Plotting Positions for Type I Censored Data |
Prediction Interval for Gamma Distribution |
Simultaneous Prediction Interval for a Gamma Distribution |
Prediction Interval for a Lognormal Distribution |
Probability That at Least One Set of Future Observations Violates the Given Rule Based on a Simultaneous Prediction Interval for a Lognormal Distribution |
Probability That at Least One Future Observation Falls Outside a Prediction Interval for a Lognormal Distribution |
Simultaneous Prediction Interval for a Lognormal Distribution |
Prediction Interval for a Normal Distribution |
Half-Width of a Prediction Interval for the next \(k\) Observations from a Normal Distribution |
Compute the Value of \(K\) for a Prediction Interval for a Normal Distribution |
Sample Size for a Specified Half-Width of a Prediction Interval for the next \(k\) Observations from a Normal Distribution |
Simultaneous Prediction Interval for a Normal Distribution |
Compute the Value of \(K\) for a Simultaneous Prediction Interval for a Normal Distribution |
Probability That at Least One Set of Future Observations Violates the Given Rule Based on a Simultaneous Prediction Interval for a Normal Distribution |
Probability That at Least One Future Observation Falls Outside a Prediction Interval for a Normal Distribution |
Nonparametric Prediction Interval for a Continuous Distribution |
Confidence Level for Nonparametric Prediction Interval for Continuous Distribution |
Sample Size for a Nonparametric Prediction Interval for a Continuous Distribution |
Nonparametric Simultaneous Prediction Interval for a Continuous Distribution |
Confidence Level of Simultaneous Nonparametric Prediction Interval for Continuous Distribution |
Sample Size for Simultaneous Nonparametric Prediction Interval for Continuous Distribution |
Probability That at Least One Set of Future Observations Violates the Given Rule Based on a Nonparametric Simultaneous Prediction Interval |
Prediction Interval for a Poisson Distribution |
Model Predictions |
Predict Method for Linear Model Fits |
Print Values |
Print Output of Objective for Box-Cox Power Transformations |
Print Output of Objective for Box-Cox Power Transformations Based on Type I Censored Data |
Print Output of Objective for Box-Cox Power Transformations for an "lm" Object |
Print Output of Goodness-of-Fit Tests |
Print Output of Goodness-of-Fit Tests |
Print Objects of Class "estimate" |
Print Objects of Class "estimateCensored" |
Print Output of Goodness-of-Fit Tests |
Print Output of Goodness-of-Fit Tests Based on Censored Data |
Print Output of Group Goodness-of-Fit Tests |
Print Output of Goodness-of-Fit Outlier Tests |
Print Output of Two-Sample Goodness-of-Fit Tests |
Print Output of Hypothesis Tests |
Print Output of Hypothesis Tests Based on Censored Data |
Print Output of Permutation Tests |
Print Summary Statistics |
Minimal Detectable Difference Associated with a One- or Two-Sample Proportion Test |
Compute Sample Size Necessary to Achieve a Specified Power for a One- or Two-Sample Proportion Test |
Compute the Power of a One- or Two-Sample Proportion Test |
Estimate Probability-Weighted Moments |
Quantile-Quantile (Q-Q) Plot |
Quantile-Quantile (Q-Q) Plot for Type I Censored Data |
Develop Gestalt of Q-Q Plots for Specific Distributions |
Two-Sample Rank Test to Detect a Shift in a Proportion of the "Treated" Population |
Compute p-Value for the Quantile Test |
Rosner's Test for Outliers |
Test for the Presence of Serial Correlation |
One-Sample or Paired-Sample Sign Test on a Median |
Simulate a Multivariate Matrix Based on a Specified Rank Correlation Mat |
Simulate a Vector of Random Numbers From a Specified Theoretical or Empirical Probability Distribution |
Coefficient of Skewness |
Add Text Indicating the Mean and Standard Deviation to a ggplot2 Plot |
Add Text Indicating the Median and Interquartile Range to a ggplot2 Plot |
Add Text Indicating the Sample Size to a ggplot2 Plot |
Add Text to a ggplot2 Plot Indicating the Results of a Hypothesis Test |
1-D Scatter Plots with Confidence Intervals |
Full Complement of Summary Statistics |
Summary Statistics |
S3 Class "summaryStats" |
Type I Error Level for a One- or Two-Sample t-Test |
Sample Size for a One- or Two-Sample t-Test, Assuming Lognormal Data |
Power of a One- or Two-Sample t-Test Assuming Lognormal Data |
Minimal or Maximal Detectable Ratio of Means for One- or Two-Sample t-Test, Assuming Lognormal Data |
Sample Size for a One- or Two-Sample t-Test |
Power of a One- or Two-Sample t-Test |
Scaled Minimal Detectable Difference for One- or Two-Sample t-Test |
Tolerance Interval for a Gamma Distribution |
Tolerance Interval for a Lognormal Distribution |
Tolerance Interval for a Lognormal Distribution Based on Censored Data |
Tolerance Interval for a Normal Distribution |
Tolerance Interval for a Normal Distribution Based on Censored Data |
Half-Width of a Tolerance Interval for a Normal Distribution |
Compute the Value of \(K\) for a Tolerance Interval for a Normal Distribution |
Sample Size for a Specified Half-Width of a Tolerance Interval for a Normal Distribution |
Nonparametric Tolerance Interval for a Continuous Distribution |
Confidence Level for Nonparametric Tolerance Interval for Continuous Distribution |
Coverage for Nonparametric Tolerance Interval for Continuous Distribution |
Sample Size for Nonparametric Tolerance Interval for Continuous Distribution |
Tolerance Interval for a Poisson Distribution |
Two-Sample Linear Rank Test to Detect a Difference Between Two Distributions |
Two-Sample Linear Rank Test to Detect a Difference Between Two Distributions Based on Censored Data |
Two-Sample or Paired-Sample Randomization (Permutation) Test for Location |
Randomization (Permutation) Test to Compare Two Proportions (Fisher's Exact Test) |
Test for Homogeneity of Variance Among Two or More Groups |
One-Sample Chi-Squared Test on Variance |
Test Whether the Shape Parameter of a Generalized Extreme Value Distribution is Equal to 0 |