The EnvStats functions listed below are useful for performing goodness-of-fit tests for user-specified probability distributions.


Goodness-of-Fit Tests

Function NameDescription
gofTestPerform a goodness-of-fit test for a specified probability distribution.
The resulting object is of class "gof" unless the test is the
two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, in which case the resulting
object is of class "gofTwoSample".
plot.gofS3 class method for plotting an object of class "gof".
print.gofS3 class method for printing an object of class "gof".
plot.gofTwoSampleS3 class method for plotting an object of class "gofTwoSample".
print.gofTwoSampleS3 class method for printing an object of class "gofTwoSample".
gofGroupTestPerform a goodness-of-fit test to determine whether data in a set of groups
appear to all come from the same probability distribution
(with possibly different parameters for each group).
The resulting object is of class "gofGroup".
plot.gofGroupS3 class method for plotting an object of class "gofGroup".
print.gofGroupS3 class method for printing an object of class "gofGroup".

Tests for Outliers

Function NameDescription
rosnerTestPerform Rosner's test for outliers assuming a normal (Gaussian) distribution.
print.gofOutlierS3 class method for printing an object of class "gofOutlier".

Choose a Distribution

Function NameDescription
distChooseChoose best fitting distribution based on goodness-of-fit tests.
print.distChooseS3 class method for printing an object of class "distChoose".