Formats and prints the results of performing a hypothesis test based on censored data. This method is automatically called by print when given an object of class "htestCensored". The names of the EnvStats functions that perform hypothesis tests based on censored data and that produce objects of class "htestCensored" are listed in the section Hypothesis Tests in the help file EnvStats Functions for Censored Data. Currently, the only function listed is twoSampleLinearRankTestCensored.

# S3 method for class 'htestCensored'
print(x, show.cen.levels = TRUE, ...)



an object of class "htestCensored". See htestCensored.object for details.


logical scalar indicating whether to print the censoring levels. The default value is show.cen.levels=TRUE.


arguments that can be supplied to the format function.


This is the "htestCensored" method for the generic function print. Prints null and alternative hypotheses, name of the test, censoring side, estimated population parameter(s) involved in the null hypothesis, estimation method (if present), data name, censoring variable, sample size (if present), percent of observations that are censored, number of missing observations removed prior to performing the test (if present), value of the test statistic, parameters associated with the null distribution of the test statistic, p-value associated with the test statistic, and confidence interval for the population parameter (if present).


Invisibly returns the input x.


Chambers, J. M. and Hastie, T. J. (1992). Statistical Models in S. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.


Steven P. Millard (